As the popularity of the ISCA Summer Programme has increased, we now operate two campuses simultaneously during the programme. By doing this we are confident we can keep the unique aspects that make the ISCA programme what it is, whilst enabling more schools to experience an ISCA Summer. Therefore, we are delighted to offer two ISCA campuses – Charterhouse School and Cranleigh School.
Charterhouse School, founded in 1611, has been the main ISCA campus for over 15 years. Situated in the heart of the Surrey countryside, Charterhouse offers a wonderful base for our three-week adventure. Similarly, our Cranleigh School campus sits just 10 miles south-east of Charterhouse in its own patch of pristine British countryside. Founded in 1865, Cranleigh is one of England’s most prestigious co-educational independent boarding schools.
Each campus will operate completely independently during the three-week programme. School groups will be assigned to either our Charterhouse or Cranleigh campus. We allocate in a way that ensures a cultural mix at each campus, whilst keeping numbers at a level that guarantees each student can have a truly immersive global experience and the opportunity to form life-long friendships which have made this programme so unique for the last 42 years.
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