Independent Schools Cultural Alliance - ISCA – Summer Programs in the UK


my son had an amazing time, learned a lot and developed great friendships along the way

ISCA will give your child a very safe, stimulating and academically enriching one-week cultural experience exploring some of the best sights in southern England. Your child will:

  • Experience and learn about the amazing history and culture of the UK in a fun and interactive way.
  • Meet other 11 to 14-year-old pupils from across the world, making global friendships and broadening their horizons.
  • Benefit from 40 years of the ISCA Summer Programme, using our experience to offer a programme designed exclusively for this age group.
  • Have a high level of teacher supervision – with 1 teacher for every 5 pupils.
  • Stay in one of the most historic boarding schools in the country, with its state-of-the-art sporting facilities, excellent catering and single-bedroom boarding.
  • Take part in a huge range of sports and activities on our campus.

As a second time ISCA family, we knew what to expect, but our expectations were exceeded once again

Keeping in touch during the programme

ISCA offers many ways to stay in touch so you can keep up to date with our daily adventures. Every day we will share photos and blog posts on our website, on Facebook and on Instagram.

ISCA pupils are allowed mobile phones on the summer camp. This allows them to take photos when off campus and to contact their family in the evenings. Please look at our Mobile Phone Policy below for further details.

My Daughter came home with her mind open to many more possibilities

Useful information

Experience an ISCA Summer
During the Programme
General Information