Day Five – Oxford
Our day began at 6:30am when we woke up to get ready for breakfast.
Once it was 8:30am we got into our designated coaches. After a two hour journey which included karaoke, we arrived to the very anticipated Oxford. We started the adventure with free time, little did we know the clouds would surprise us… In a matter of seconds we were soaking wet- British weather!
After our free time we had a visit to one of the Oxford colleges, “New College” which was built in 1379 and they have kept the name. This college was founded by William Wykeham, the Chancellor of England and Bishop of Winchester which we visited two days ago. We also learned about the different system that Oxford has, which honestly, was confusing. We also got the chance to take a look at the old and detailed buildings that surrounded us. One of them was the Bodleian Library which has over 14 million books, as when Thomas Bodley founded this library he signed an agreement that it would receive a copy of every book printed in the UK. That agreement hasn’t been changed in years meaning they receive 5,000 books every week. Crazy right?
Despite the fact we all ended with wet socks, I can confirm we had fun learning and had a blast with our friends.
-Blanca Figueroa, Newton College