ISCA Arrivals Day 2018
Arriving at Charterhouse,
Arrival day is always a fantastic day, it’s the day when ISCA truly begins. The day is a culmination of months and months of planning and is the start of an amazing experience.
Charterhouse plays host to the ISCA 2018 Summer Program and what a fantastic day for it. The English summer has definitely arrived as the sun beats down over the playing fields. A tour of the Charterhouse campus invites the students to imagine the life or past and present Carthusians, visit iconic parts of the campus and understand more about what will be their home for the next 3 weeks.
A visit to the local town of Godalming puts the school in perspective for the students and they get their first experience of a historic English town. Exploring different parts of the cobbled streets and enjoying the ice cream, a walk back along the edge of the River Wey and into the Charterhouse Campus, everyone is ready for a good nights rest with the first off campus day in Winchester to get ISCA 2018 underway!
It begins…..