Second On-Campus Day
Today we were greeted by particularly hot English weather, but nonetheless staff and students alike
were eager to get the second on campus day underway. After diligently apply sun cream and filling
their water bottles, ISCA staff and students were ready to participate in various activities including
cricket, soccer, rugby, squash, fives, netball and drama. After an hour and a half session of sport in
the morning, students were able to recharge with a traditional English roast at lunch. After
refuelling, students were ready to take on another two great activity sessions. Whether students had
done an activity before or the task was completely new, everyone did a fantastic job, and most
importantly had fun while doing it!
A long day of activities called for a bit of relaxation! Students went back to their houses to watch the
World Cup final between France and Croatia. Rivalry sparked in the houses with some students
rooting for France and others cheering for the Croatian underdogs. Everyone was kept on their toes
with the back and forth battle between the two teams, but eventually the French prevailed!
To finish off the evening students enjoyed an amazing lecture on the site we are visiting tomorrow:
Stratford-Upon-Avon. After a long and tiring day, students are off to bed and excited for the day the
lies ahead tomorrow when we visit Shakespeare’s birthplace!